Community Based Inclusive Development Report 2024

Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) is a way of working that ensures persons with disabilities are respected and included in their communities on an equal basis, in all aspects of life. CBM’s global CBID portfolio encompasses 174 projects with 133 partners in 29 countries.

At a time of crisis, how do we create change that lasts?

In today’s world, many communities face multiple overlapping crises, from acute local crises to the ripple effects of global issues, such as the war in Ukraine or climate change. It has never been more important to ensure that community-based projects are resilient, adaptable, and disability inclusive.

Responsiveness and adaptation, therefore, cut across CBM’s Community Based Inclusive Development projects. We support partners to work with local communities to build resilience, develop coping mechanisms and work successfully towards disability inclusion in challenging contexts.  

Our CBID Report 2024 gives insights into how our CBID work ensures that the change CBM is supporting can last longer than a project. It also includes stories highlighting our partners’ innovations and achievements over the past year.

A disability activist from Guatemala gives her perspective on why an intersectional approach is fundamental to creating long-lasting change, while a representative from an organisation of persons with disabilities in Cameroon explains why disaster risk reduction should always involve persons with disabilities from the onset. We also explore how a livelihoods project in India has created sustainable benefits for the whole community, and the work we and our partners do to advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in national and international political processes. 

What strikes and humbles me is how people, despite facing adversity, stand together to work towards more inclusive communities. Together with our partners, we are making a significant contribution to a world in solidarity and the lasting change we wish to see. 

Dominique Schlupkothen

Director, Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID)

Our work in 2023

  • 174 Projects funded
  • 80 million Euro multi-year budget
  • 29 Countries
  • 133 Partners

CBID Report 2024: Creating long-lasting change