1. About CBM
    1. Who we are
    2. Our mission and vision
    3. Strategy 2030
    4. History and milestones
    5. Evaluating our work
    6. Transparency and accountability
      1. Reporting channels and safeguarding
        1. Feedback Form
    7. Governance
      1. CBM US Board of Directors
    8. Advisory Board
  2. Our work
    1. Our global commitment
      1. The Americas
        1. CBM - committed to Guatemala since 1976
          1. The ADISA project – Rehabilitation and Inclusion in Guatemala
      2. Asia
      3. Africa
        1. Ethiopia - cultural diversity and major challenges
        2. Democratic Republic of the Congo
          1. DRC-first steps in combating NTDs
        3. Rwanda - the land of a thousand hills
          1. Kabgayi Hospital: Ophthalmology for all of Rwanda and beyond
        4. Zimbabwe - paradise with many sides
        5. CBM in Tanzania
        6. Uganda - the Pearl of Africa
    2. What we do
      1. Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR)
      2. Eye health
        1. An app for the eye
        2. Training Ophthalmologists in Africa
        3. Lions works with CBM to make eye health services better in Ethiopia
        4. 2030 In Sight
      3. Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
      4. Livelihoods
      5. Inclusive education
        1. CBM partners with USAID to Promote Inclusive Development Globally
      6. Humanitarian Action
        1. CBM’s humanitarian response in Malawi
        2. Inclusive humanitarian action resources and publications
        3. Feeding the future in South Sudan
        4. Addressing a humanitarian crisis in Lebanon
      7. Ear and hearing care
      8. Disability-inclusive social protection
      9. Physical rehabilitation
      10. Community Based Inclusive Development
        1. DIDRR mainstreaming
        2. CBM launches new report on localising the UN CRPD
        3. Technical advice on inclusion
      11. Inclusive Health Initiative
        1. ntd day social campaign
    3. Project insights
      1. CBM’s impact in DRC: The fight against onchocerciasis
      2. Ending preventable blindness in Kenya
      3. United for a bright future in Togo
      4. Guatemala inclusive education for children with disabilities
      5. Drought in Africa - An ongoing challenge
      6. Expanding access to rehabilitation services in Uganda
  3. Donate now
  4. Partnerships and alliances
    1. Institutional donors
    2. Implementing partners
    3. Networks
      1. Consultancy at the UN
    4. Consortia partners
  5. News
    1. Insights Newsletter
    2. Addressing preventable childhood blindness
    3. CBM announces new scholarships for eye doctors
    4. CBM’s approach to low vision services for children
    5. New UN report analyses progress for persons with disabilities in achieving SDG targets
    6. German government announces increased investment in disability rights in Ukraine
    7. Major BMZ-funded CBM project launched for internally displaced persons in Nigeria
    8. CBM Annual Report 2023: 379 aid projects in 40 countries
    9. CBM-Ophthalmologist wins prestigious award
    10. CBM reached more people with treatment for neglected diseases in 2023: How we did it
    11. Pakistan eliminates trachoma as a public health concern
    12. Community-driven water initiatives are eliminating trachoma in Ethiopia
    13. Supporting farmers with disabilities in rural India
    14. CBID Annual Report: These are the successes we achieved in 2024
    15. CBM joins the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors
    16. Partnering to ensure food security for farmers with disabilities
    17. International Day of Persons with Disabilities
    18. Break the Silence: End gender-based violence against women with disabilities
    19. worldntdday
      1. Bridging borders: Uganda and the DRC united against NTDs
      2. Overcoming trachoma amidst conflict and climate challenges
      3. Pakistan trachoma free
    20. New partnership to eliminate NTDs in Nigeria
  6. Working at CBM
  7. Contact
  8. Legal notice
  9. Terms and Conditions
  10. CBM Privacy Policy
  11. Search
  12. Sitemap