Ipyana (8yrs) has always been teased by children in the neighbourhood because he cannot see.

Inclusive Eye Health

CBM has been working in the field of eye health since the 1960s. Through the Inclusive Eye Health Initiative, CBM collaborates with partners to reduce avoidable visual impairment and blindness, prevent and treat people at risk of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), and ensure that people affected permanently by visual impairment have access to the support and opportunities they need.

There are large numbers of people in the poorest regions of the world who still do not have access to even the most basic eye health services. Persons with disabilities or those who live in remote areas are often left behind. The need is great, and it is growing. The World Report on Vision reveals the extent of the problem and the challenges faced by those working in the eye care sector.

Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) have the greatest impact on hidden communities living in poverty and in conflict zones. The most affected include children, women and persons with disabilities living in poor conditions, with limited access to sanitation, safe water and health care. The NTD Roadmap lays out the goals and milestones for the way ahead.

The Inclusive Eye Health Initiative at CBM is currently working in 32 countries. It oversees 119 projects. These include supporting eye surgery and conducting drug campaigns against NTDs. It also involves training medical staff and community volunteers. Additionally, the initiative performs eye screenings and participates in capacity-building initiatives. Lastly, it leverages new technologies to improve our reach and understanding.

We also work to support our local partners to establish good referral networks so that patients have easier access to services. All the work of the Initiative, in collaboration with our partners, focuses on creating inclusive, sustainable and locally owned, eye health and NTD services.

Our work is aligned with global frameworks -

  1. The Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health: vision beyond 2020
  2. The UN Resolution
  3. The NTD roadmap

Follow the IEH team on Twitter!

Neglected Tropical Diseases

CBM supports Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) programmes in areas where these diseases are identified as a public health problem. By building on our long experience and existing strengths we aim to achieve sustainable and effective community-owned NTD programmes that are comprehensive, integrated and inclusive.

What are NTDs?

CBM Inclusive Eye Health Report 2023

CBM NTDs Report 2023