International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI)

ICEVI and CBM promote education of visually impaired children.

Founded in 1952 in the Netherlands, the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) is a global association of individuals and organisations that promotes equal access to appropriate education for all visually impaired children and youth so that they may achieve their full potential.

ICEVI works closely with international non-governmental development organisations and UN bodies, such as the United Nations Economic and Social Council, UNESCO, UNICEF, and WHO.

ICEVI’s biannual magazine "The Educator" is available in in print and Braille in both English and Spanish and is also posted on the ICEVI website. ICEVI also publishes a biannual electronic newsletter that is currently distributed worldwide.

CBM is one of the strong supporters of ICEVI. Both organisations share a common objective of reaching out to children with visual impairment who are currently unreached. CBM is also an International Partner Member of ICEVI and contributes to its policies and programmes. CBM is actively engaged in the Global Campaign on Education for All Children with Visual Impairment being implemented by ICEVI acting in partnership with the World Blind Union.