07.03.2015 Post-2015 Disability Achievements

I have been reflecting on our advocacy work in NY and wanted to share some of the stellar achievements that the International Disability Alliance (IDA), the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC), and other disability stakeholders collaboratively have achieved in the past year. As a group we have advocated for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the UN post-2015 development processes. These achievements include, but are not limited to:

Furthermore, collaboratively we:

  • Continue to advocate for the nine explicit references of persons with disabilities in the SDGs to remain in post-2015 development framework.
  • Advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the development of the post-2015 indicator framework, especially disaggregated data by disability status
  • Write and disseminate IDA-IDDC advocacy papers on post-2015 themes: Sustainable Development Goals, Financing for Development (Thank you, Rachele Tardi, Light for the World!), Global Indicators, Disaster Risk Reduction, Women and Girls with Disabilities, Ageing Persons with Disabilities, and more.

Stay tuned for forthcoming updates!