27.06.2015 Sixth round of post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations
The sixth round of the post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations took place during 22-25 at the UN Headquarters. Member states discussed the Zero draft of the outcome document for the UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
The Zero Draft will have the following components:
- The follow-up and review aspect will be comprehensive.
- It will support countries making informed policy choices and mobilizing means of implementation and partnerships.
- It will be open and inclusive for all stakeholders.
- It will build on existing platforms and evolve over time and minimize the reporting burden.
- It will be rigorous and evidence based with a focus on disaggregated data, which is linked to leave no one behind.
Key points from the negotiations
- A “final zero draft” will be produced within the next couple of weeks prior the final intergovernmental session during 27-31 July.
- The co-facilitators foresee the post-2015 negotiations being completed by 31 July 2015 as planned.
- The post-2015 process is different from other processes, such as the Financing for Development (FfD) negotiations and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in that the post-2015 development agenda is not a legally binding instrument, but a declaration that will state Member States’ intentions.
- The global South called for including the report of the OWG in its entirety in the text, including the chapeau.
- The Financing for Development outcome document is still being negotiated (tentatively to continue next Tuesday)
- The zero draft recognizes the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) as the Apex of the follow-up and review process.
Persons with disabilities
- The Arab Group called for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in line with the UNCRPD to be in the post-2015 outcome document.
- The Kingdom of Thailand called for the inclusion of persons with disabilities and DRR in the Declaration of the post-2015 outcome document.
- The Republic of Korea called for inclusion of women, girls and persons with disabilities in the Declaration of the post-2015 outcome document.
- Ecuador called for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Declaration of the post-2015 outcome document.
- Palau referenced the UNCRPD as well as persons with disabilities and Indigenous peoples who are still marginalized in many situations.
- Iceland specifically mentioned health and neurological disorders, as the latter it is a priority for Iceland.
Leave no one behind
- Mexico called for the inclusion of all groups, especially the most marginalized and excluded in the post-2015 outcome document.
- The United States stated that “leave no one behind” must be a core aspect of the agenda with a commitment to the most vulnerable.
- Sweden supported the concept of leave no one behind and supported adding age throughout the document.
- Nigeria called for the outcome document to address the overarching challenge of poverty eradication.
- Pakistan called for the participation of civil society and other stakeholders.
- The Netherlands would like to concretize the notion of leaving no one behind.
Responses to the zero draft
- Member States were largely receptive to the zero draft and that it provides a good basis for the negotiations.
- There is strong interest to change the title of the document.
- Member States largely called to reinforce the economic aspect of the zero draft.
- Not all Member States emphasized participation.
- Member States would like to see an increase in the relationship between FfD and post-2015 outcome documents.
- On the preamble and declaration, there was consensus that the Declaration should be short and accessible and highlight the transformative nature of the agenda.
Civil Society
- Twenty-eight representatives of Major Groups and Other Stakeholders delivered statements on Wednesday including specific comments on and amendments to the zero draft.
- A common theme expressed was that Major Groups and Other Stakeholders are not just beneficiaries of the post-2015 agenda, but also important agents of change, their participation being necessary to implement the agenda.
Follow-up and review
- Many Member States expressed that the follow-up and review is too prescriptive and there needs to be clarity on the interlinkages between national, regional and global follow-up and review processes.
- There was support for a process that is voluntary, country-led, multi-level, transparent, inclusive and evidence-based.
- There was overwhelming support for stakeholder participation in national-level follow-up and review.
- While support was voiced for the HLPF on sustainable development as the apex of the review framework, there were different interpretations of what the global-level review would look like and the nature of the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR).
- There was also concern about the UN developing guidelines for national reports and review processes, as opposed to leaving this to governments.
Next Steps and Upcoming Events
- The High-Level Political Forum is taking place from 26 June to 8 July at the UN Headquarters. Check back here for updates.
The Financing for Development conference will take place in Addis Ababa 13-16 July.
The final negotiation sessions will take place in NY on 20 – 24 July and 27 – 31 July 2015.
The United Nations Summit will adopt the post-2015 development agenda on 25-27 September.