28.08.2016 Recipe of the week: UN Swiss hotpot

18 Independent disability experts with Personal Assistants
4 UN secretariat support personnel
Translators as required (both UN languages and sign language)
3 state delegations including ambassadors
Organisations of persons with disabilities from different continents
Civil society organisations
3 international dementia advocates
Plenty of cold water

Method: Take all ingredients, place in the Palais Nations in Geneva .
Marinate as required and cook at 32 °C for 3 hours, rest for 2 hours, cook for 3 hours and repeat for 5 days.

Three constructive dialogues with ItalyColombia and Guatemala
One lunchtime briefing on linking the CRPD with dementia.
Two general comments on inclusive education and women and girls with disabilities.
Adoption of a new simplified reporting process and guidance for NHRIs, watch this space