24.06.2019 CBM co-organises workshop on the measurement of disability for DPOs

Group work discussing disability data collection at the country level

After a very successful Conference of States Parties (COSP) to the CRPD in which CBM was very actively involved, we ended the week with a disability data workshop for persons with disabilities and their representative organisations. Specifically, on Friday, 14 June, following COSP, CBM funded and co-organised the Workshop on the Measurement of Disability for DPOs in collaboration with UNICEF, Washington Group on Statistics, Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, and International Disability Alliance.

Over 30 DPO participants attended from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and North America. David Bainbridge, International Director CBM provided introductory remarks to the group.

The all-day workshop provided presentations on models and methods for collecting disability data, data availability, measurement challenges, data production, and analysis using the Washington Group tools. Participants were able to share information and learn from each other through interactive discussions about the importance of disability statistics in the context of the CRPD and SDGs, interpreting and using data on persons with disabilities, policy making through data, and country examples. In addition, we had participants discuss country examples and good practices on how data are used in programs and/or advocacy and how data are used to influence policy and/or inform advocacy.

Rebecca Aaberg shared data about persons with disabilities in elections and political life, Laisa Vereti gave experiences of disability data in the Pacific, and Manel Mhiri provided a look at disability data in Tunisia.

Participants had fun, shared best practices, engaged in peer learning, and learned more in-depth knowledge on key tools on disability data collection, disaggregation, research and analysis. We look forward to engaging in and fostering the interest in data advocacy, especially with our co-facilitating role of the disability data advocacy working group.