23.07.2019 Disability inclusive sustainable development: takeaways from HLPF 2019
The July 2019 High-level Political Forum (HLPF) just finished. CBM, in partnership with the International Disability Alliance, as part of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities supported 80 participants from around the world from organisations of persons with disabilities and disability NGOs to attend and participate in the HLPF. The group was quite diverse with a good balance of gender, age, regional, and disability type represented.
Key areas in which CBM participated and/or supported include:
- Support to persons with disabilities to attend the HLPF for the first time and also to lead the stakeholder group;
- Support to deaf participants by providing support in sign language and from people who grew up with Deaf community members and have Deaf awareness;
- Engagement in the disability data dialogue on behalf of CBM, the Disability Data Advocacy Working Group, and the International Civil Society Centre’s leave no one behind project;
- Co-facilitating a session on Deaf culture and the SDGs with Maegan Shanks from Gallaudet University; and
- Supporting with accessibility and reasonable accommodation for participants with disabilities.
We will share a summary analysis on the voluntary national reviews and the inclusion of persons with disabilities soon, so keep a look out for that. Thank you to everyone who supported from New York or from afar! Let’s keep fighting for true disability inclusive development so no one is left behind.