CBID in Practice: Success from Around the World

A group of women are sitting on the flour. They are attending a meeting

Members of the Bedari women's and children's rights organisation attending a meeting.

Read these real-life examples of how CBID is bringing about positive change and promoting inclusion.

Community-Based Inclusive Development (CBID) is a way of working that ensures persons with disabilities are respected and included in their communities on an equal basis in all areas of life. CBID is one of CBM's three initiatives.

But what does it look like in practice?

In these country snapshots, we show you real-life examples of how CBID is bringing about positive change and promoting inclusion.

Pakistan: Supporting Women and Girls with Disabilities


In partnership with Bedari, a national women's and children's rights organisation, CBM and UN Trust Fund are working to combat discrimination and gender-based violence against women and girls with disabilities in two districts of Punjab. By advocating for better access to essential services and empowering local communities, the project promotes an environment where women and girls can thrive and exercise their rights.

Guatemala: Improving Electoral Accessibility.


This CBM-supported project is transforming Guatemala's electoral system by integrating disability-inclusive processes. In Guatemala, according to 2018 census data, 1.6 million people have a disability or 10% of the population. At least 70% of these people are of voting age. Despite this, persons with disabilities are often excluded from the electoral process and other aspects of society due to various barriers such as physical, social, communication and informational barriers. The project, led by several organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), is training election officials, improving the accessibility of polling stations and ensuring voter privacy. This pioneering work aims to create a more inclusive and participatory democratic process.

Malawi: Defending the Rights of Persons with Albinism

CBM is working with the Malawi Human Rights and Resource Centre (MHRRC) to combat discrimination and human rights violations against persons with albinism. Negative attitudes and prejudices lead to severe discrimination and human rights violations against persons with albinism, limit their participation in society and result in lower life expectancy and education rates. By raising awareness, working with government officials, and empowering persons with albinism themselves, CBM and the MHRRC strive to protect their fundamental rights and create a society where they can live without fear and prejudice. The project is funded by the European Union under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.

Niger: Changing Lives Through Surgery and Rehabilitation


In the Dosso region of Niger, many children with physical impairments and their families do not have access to surgical interventions and rehabilitation services. This affects their quality of life, including their ability to attend school, participate in the community and enjoy their leisure time. CBM is working with CURE Children's Hospital and the Niger Federation of Persons with Disabilities (FNPH) to provide essential surgery, rehabilitation and vocational training. This support makes it easier for children with disabilities and their families to access education, acquire vocational skills and participate fully in their communities.

Sri Lanka: Transforming a Community

©CBM/Sharni Jayawardena

A CBM-supported project in Sri Lanka, run by the Navajeevana Resource Centre for Inclusive Education, aims to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities through improved access to inclusive healthcare, education, and social services. The project includes workshops, advocacy training, and networking activities to promote disability rights and inclusion in society.

These country examples show CBID in action. They illustrate our commitment to creating an inclusive world where all persons with disabilities can thrive. Our partners are actively driving positive change and breaking down barriers. They do so through innovative projects, strategic partnerships, and their tireless efforts.

Get more from CBM's CBID Report 2023