Costing Equity - How education financing falls short for learners with disabilities


The Education Commission is working towards estimating the financing needed to meet SDG 4. CBM is supporting this work through joining IDDC members in supporting research into disability-inclusive financing.

Research into disability-inclusive education

The research will look at:

  • the benefits of financing disability-inclusive education,
  • the current state of education financing with regard to inclusion, and
  • what needs to change in order for education financing to effectively support the realisation of Sustainable Development Goal 4 and Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).

The research will be published in a final report in September 2016, in time for the UN General Assembly. The findings will feed into a range of advocacy activities over the coming year.

CBM supports this research

Apart from being alliance partners in the research, our Senior Advisor for Education (Sian Tesni) is part of the advisory team for the research. She is also co-coordinator of the IDDC Inclusive Education Task Group.

With its experience of inclusive education CBM is in a strong position to provide input to the research. Once published, the report will act as an advocacy tool for CBM offices and partners to be able to lobby governments to support inclusive education for all learners. CBM will support the dissemination of the research.

CBM supports Ministries of Education to develop community based models of disability-inclusive education to assist countries develop models that they can replicate in their particular context and culture.

Where you can find the research

The research will be published in September at the UN General Assembly. Further details to follow in due course.
For more details while we wait for the final report, an initial short leafletoutlining the key messages about education financing is now ready for download and online dissemination on the IDDC website.

Please tweet about the research, findings and key advocacy messages using the hashtag #CostingEquity. 

CBM and education

CBM is committed to supporting equitable educational opportunities for persons with disabilities as part of life-long learning. It recognises that education is one of the main pillars in human development, condition success in life. CBM successfully advocated for the inclusion of disability in Agenda 2030 along with its alliance partners with amongst others, e.g. International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC), International Disability Alliance (IDA), Global Campaign for Education (GCE), UN agencies.