CBM attends the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Replenishment Conference

Children with visual and hearing impairment attend a mainstream school in Burkina Faso.

CBM will attend the GPE Replenishment Conference in Senegal on 1-2 February 2018 and has endorsed the IDDC inclusive education call to action.


The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Replenishment Conference will gather developing and donor countries, multilateral organizations, civil society, private sector, and philanthropic foundations in Dakar, Senegal. This conference will see world leaders pledge their support for the global partnership for education for the next few years. This conference will be highly significant in indicating commitment to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4, General Comment 4 on Article 24 of UNCRPD and to ‘leave no-one behind’. 

Disability-inclusive education

CBM along with its partners in the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) as well as in the Global Campaign for Education have been key actors in advocating for the inclusion of women, men, girls and boys with disabilities in the Global Partnership for Education programmes. We have lobbied hard over the past years to ensure that the new commitments to funding include a focus on disability-inclusive financing as part of inclusive education for all learners.

On 22nd January GPE made its commitment to achieving further investment in ensuring disability-inclusive education financing by endorsing the IDDC Call to Action (CTA). CBM has supported GPE in taking this important and vital step forward in our goal for global recognition to do more to fund education for children with disabilities. CBM has asked offices across the federation and partners to advocate their own country representatives and donor country representatives to support disability inclusive education financing at the GPE Conference.

CBM has endorsed the IDDC Call to Action. Endorsements have now reached over 140, but further endorsements are needed. Endorsing the CTA will show donors and countries that there is a need for greater investment in disability inclusive education to support funding for increased equity, gender equality and inclusion for all in a full cycle of quality education, targeting the poorest and most marginalised, including children with disabilities.

What will CBM be doing at the Conference?

CBM will be represented at the conference by Sian Tesni (Inclusive Education advisor), Veronika Hilber (Advocacy Officer, CBM Germany) and Jan-Thilo Klimisch (Advocacy Officer, CBM Germany / Spokesperson of GCE Germany). 

Key events attended will include:

  • 31st January, there will be a side event for members of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE). As members of GCE, CBM will attend this event to support the call for investment in disability-inclusive education.
  • 1st February, Sian Tesni will moderate a debate at the IDDC session entitled Invest to ensure No-one is Left Behind: Disability inclusive education
  • 2nd February, CBM will support an IDDC exhibition booth highlighting disability-inclusive education.
  • And many other side events, meetings etc.

How CBM supports disability-inclusive education funding

The new replenishment funding for education comes at a critical moment since the adoption of Agenda 2030 when a global commitment was made to ‘leave no one behind’. The Global Partnership for Education is the only global fund solely dedicated to education in developing countries. It is a multi-stakeholder partnership and funding platform that aims to strengthen education systems in developing countries in order to dramatically increase the number of children who are in school and learning. CBM joins GPE together with its partners in low-middle-income-countries, donors, international organisations, civil society, teacher organizations, the private sector and foundations. GPE has a vision for a new Global Goal for education, calling for inclusive, equitable quality education for all by 2030. GPE 2020, GPE’s strategic plan for the next five years, turns this vision in actionable goals and objectives. CBM and its partners want to collaborate with national ministries of education to reach the:

  • 97 million of boys and girls with moderate to severe disabilities;
  • 32 million of out of school children which represents 1/3 of all out of school children globally. 
  • 1 in 10 children with disabilities in school

These are striking statistics. CBM and its partners recognises that it will not reach these children alone, rather is works with global multiple stakeholders to do so. It will -

  • Share good practice and discussing different contexts on provision of inclusive education;
  • highlighting the challenges and opportunities in implementing equity in education; and
  • focusing on the tools, materials, capacity development and resources that can support more effective implementation at the local level.

Through the different side events and meetings, CBM, IDDC partners and GCE and similar networks will aim to encourage effective participation and collaboration among all relevant stakeholders, including local governments, the private sector, and civil society, women and youth organizations and organisations of persons with disabilities, to support implementation of inclusive education for all. 

In line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), CBM and its partners are actively engaged in promoting General Comment 4 and SDG 4 at global, regional and local levels by encouraging implementation of inclusive education, ensuring participation of persons with disabilities including DPOs. Many countries, with the support from CBM and its partners, including, amongst others HaitiPhilippinesIndia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Burkina Faso have taken significant steps towards inclusive education.

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