CBM Funded Peek Zimbabwe Project launched
On the 11th of June, 2018, the Peek Zimbabwe Project was introduced to the nation during a high profile event. The theme of the event was “a healthy mind in a healthy body” and placed emphasis on educating students to make healthy choices throughout their lifetime and more importantly making school a healthy environment so that children are able to learn.
A landmark achievement for the country.
The Peek Zimbabwe Project was introduced to the nation during a high profile event attended by the Ministers of Health and Child Care and Primary and Secondary Education, Christian Blind Mission’s (CBM) Country Representative, members of the United Nations family, senior Government officials, development partners and civil society representatives.
The event which was hosted by a local primary school, was an important one for the country’s education and health sectors as it marked the official launch of the School Health Policy which serves as a reference guide to the implementation of health related interventions concerning the welfare of learners in the school system. The development of such a policy, according to Dr. Parirenyatwa, was recommended in 1999 by the Nziramasanga and the Health Presidential Commissions making the development of this policy, almost two decades later, a landmark achievement for the country.