CBM signs MoU with WHO to eliminate NTDs
CBM has signed an ambitious Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).
On 28th of October 2016 a MoU was signed at the 10th IAPB General Assembly in Durban, South Africa between the Regional Director, WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO), Dr. M. R. Moeti and the Chairman of CBM International, Dr. R. Brockhaus to pledge a donation from CBM International to the new WHO AFRO “Expanded Project for the Elimination of NTDs” (ESPEN) in support of prioritised endemic countries.
With this MoU CBM wishes to demonstrate its continuous commitment to WHO, National Programs, endemic communities and people affected by NTDs. Today’s signing signifies the continuation of the “spirit of partnership” amongst all stakeholders that has proven the foundation and driving force of the much heralded success of major programs such as Vision 2020 and the Africa Program for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC).
Opportunities presented by the MoU
This MoU will enable support to be targeted to an area in DRC where NTD programmes have been put on hold and where progress in disease elimination would otherwise be at risk. It will help maintain a very strong spirit of partnership between different stakeholders, providing high-quality operational and technical support, as well as strengthening country ownership. With the signing of this agreement we also hope to draw attention to the need for new development partners and for greater cross-sectoral collaboration in the struggle to control and eliminate NTDs.
CBM and NTDs
Focussing on the two blinding NTDs Trachoma and River blindness, CBM supports NTD programmes in areas where these diseases are identified as a public health problem. By building on our long experience and existing strengths, and by working in and through alliances and networks, we aim to achieve comprehensive and inclusive NTD programmes that are in line with CBM’s Disability Inclusive Development (DID) approach and fully owned by national programmes and communities.
CBM NTD Report 2016
More than 1 billion people – one-sixth of the world’s population – are affected by one or more NTDs, and another 2 billion people are at risk, mainly in the tropics and sub-tropics. Take a look at our Neglected Tropical Diseases Report 2016 for more information about our work with NTDs.
Download the NTD 2016
CBM at the 10th IAPB General Assembly
CBM is currently attending the 10th IAPB General Assembly (10GA) in Durban, South Africa. CBM is a key sponsor of the 10GA, the biggest event in the 2016 eye health calendar and will bring together global experts in eye health, eye health institutions, NGOs, networks and government representatives to discuss public health issues related to blindness and visual impairment. With the theme “Stronger Together”, IAPB aims to build and strengthen partnerships and ensure a united voice.
CBM a key sponsor and program partner of IAPB General Assembly
CBM will be attending the IAPB’s 10th General Assembly (10GA) from 27-30 October 2016 held in Durban, South Africa, as a key sponsor.
Read more
CBM publishes its NTD Report 2016
The NTD Report 2016 provides details of our work in NTDs in 17 countries across the globe.
World Sight Day 2016
World Sight Day, celebrated this year on October 13, is an annual day of awareness around blindness and visual impairment.