Labour inclusion for Persons with Disability
The Regional Office for Latin America and The Caribbean of CBM has released the document “Guides and Tools for Social and Labour Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities”, by Alexandra Jaramillo (Ecuador) and Rocio Lopez (Costa Rica), regional advisors in labour inclusion.
This document is the result of a process of almost four years of systematizing and improving tools to guide the process of labour inclusion for Persons with Disabilities, with the participation of CBM partners and Persons with Disabilities Organizations (DPOs) in different countries in Latin America. There is a total of 13 tools with their respective guides of use that may be applied as a whole or partially.
The publication is a resource for the public and private sectors that are involved in recruitment of human resources, promotion and productive development of Persons with Disabilities. Besides, it is highly recommended to contextually adapt theses guides and tools as needed, to leverage their usage from those who advocate for labour inclusion and to socialize them with Persons with Disabilities to reach their empowerment and full development.
Presentation to civil society
On February 4, 2016, CBM held the presentation event of the Guides and Tools in Quito, Ecuador with the participation of the authors, Alexandra Jaramillo and Rocio Lopes; the Regional Director of CBM, Stefan Dofel and representatives from different public institutions, like the Ministry for Social and Economical Inclusion (MIES), the Technical Secretary for the Inclusive Management of Disabilities (SETEDIS), the Technical Secretary of International Cooperation (SETECI), and Persons with Disabilities Organizations, like the de National Federation of Persons with Physical Disabilities (FENEDI), the Ecuadorian Federation Pro Attention of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (FEPAPDEM), the National Federation of Blind Persons (FENCE) and the Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (RIADIS).
Besides, representatives of other institutions like the Ponitificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador (PUCE), who hosted the event, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Universidad Tecnologica del Ecuador (UTE), World Vision Ecuador, CARE, FINE Foundation, EFEER Public School, FINESEC among many other.
Training of local partners
Previous to the presentation event, CBM held an introductory workshop of the Guides and Tools to staff of local partner organizations in the country jointly with representatives of the Cuesta Holguin Foundation, National Federation of Blind Persons of Ecuador and the National Council for the Equality of Disabilities.